Medical University (Gdansk)

Main entrance address:

Sklodowskiej-Curie, Debinki 1 and 2, 80-210 Gdansk

Total places210
Places for disabled3

Practical information

The car park on Sklodowska-Curie street is located close to the hospital of Gdansk Medical University.

The car parks on Debinki street are located in front of the University.

Subscriptions are available on Debinki 2 car park. Debinki 1 car park is available only for employees.

1 hourPLN 5,00
1 extra hourPLN 5,00

 The prices are counted every 1 hour.

Subscriptions are dedicated only for University employees on Debinki 1.

This car park is open from 06.00 - 22.00.

Calculate your route description

Contact us for this parking facility

Phone: +48 58 3481331
Fax: +48 58 3481331